It's coming! Star Wars the Force Awakens!

"The Dark side...The Jedi... They're real."

The latest official trailer of Star Wars The Force Awakens has been released, and boy! is it a doozy.

Cool lightsabre, bro.
We get to see a lot more footage from the movie, and from what we can see, it looks reeeal good. 

A Darth Vader easter egg...
Lots of tie-fighters, x-wing fighters, jedi, sith lords, droids, light sabres, millenium falcon, new characters (such as the Vader worshiper)... heck, even old faces Han Solo, Artoo and Chewie get to appear!

December could not come any faster! I want to watch Star Wars the Force Awakens right now!!

"The force is calling. Just let it in..."

(Awesome trailer below)

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The Joker! Who is your favorite?

As we are all anxiously waiting, the DC movie Suicide Squad is soon to hit the big screens.

Fans are excitedly anticipating a really over the top portrayal of the Joker by Jared Leto.

Jared Leto as a zombie looking Joker
Leto looking like a zombie Joker
This is further compounded by Will Smith (who plays Deadshot in the movie)'s recent interview where he told fans that Leto never broke character on the set! Smith said "I’ve never actually met Jared Leto.... We worked together for six months and we’ve never exchanged a word outside of ‘Action’ and ‘Cut!’ We've never said 'Hello' ... I've only spoken to him as Deadshot and as him as The Joker."

According to Smith, to date he has yet to formally "meet" Leto.  "So, the first time I see him will be ‘Hey, Jared. What’s up?’ [and] 'Hey, Will, how you doing, nice to meet you?' ... Not a single word exchanged off camera. He was all in on the Joker ... I'm looking forward to meeting him."

Isn't that a bit crazy? Jared Leto who is known to be an intense method actor, will surely wow the fans when he is seen as the Joker when the movie opens soon.

Will he be the best and favorite Joker of all time? We'll have to wit and see...

Check out the other Jokers that have gone on the screens.

jack nocholson joker
Jack Nicholson was not bad, albeit rather clownish in Batman

heath ledger joker
Why so serious...
Mark Hamill joker
Use ... the force...

I think my vote has to go to Heath Ledger. He was totally impresive (not to mention psycho and scary) in The Dark Knight.

X Marks the Spot! Mulder and Scully are back!

Great news for fans of the classic TV series the X-Files! Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Mulder (David Duchovny) have been reunited to bring the the popular alien-government conspiracy series back to the screen.

From the look of the first trailer, we are treated with the ever familiar confusion of mysterious figures, strange going-ons, political conspiracy twists and turns, and the mention of "aliens".

Trailer below:

Okay, so Mulder and Scully do look a bit older now, but it's still a blast to see the two team up again after all these years. They do share a great chemistry and work very well together.

The six episode series is scheduled for release next year.

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War - The Scarlet Witch

So every Avengers fan is currently confused and thinking... Which side is the Scarlet Witch going to be on? Will she side with Iron Man's team or Captain America's team? 

The recent interview with Elizabeth Olsen (who plays Wanda "the Witch") did not reveal much information. Elizabeth was coy when she was asked whether her allegiances would be with Robert Downey Jr's Team Iron Man or Chris Evans' Team Cap. She said that Wanda is "always the wild card", so there's no telling which team she will play on in the movie. 

The upcoming Captain America Civil War movie will focus on the Government trying to regulate and control superheroes following a major disaster or event which involves someone with powers. This will bring Iron Man and Cap into conflict. Iron Man is more for the government regulating superheroes, whilst Cap insists on individual freedom. 

The other Avengers will therefore be equally divided into the two camps. 

Some gossip has placed the Scarlet Witch in Team Cap, since she would be closer to Cap considering that she will be trained by him (as seen in Avengers 2). Also as we saw in Avengers Age of Ultron, Wanda had issues with Tony Stark, since she (and Quicksilver) blamed Stark for the death of their parents. 

So it is very likely Scarlet Witch will play for Team Cap. 

 On the other hand, following another interview, Elizabeth Olsen stressed that the Witch is a wildcard, and that there is no guarantee that she will be a "hero or villain". So maybe she won't be on either side!

Batman vs Superman crazy parody music video

The DC comics blockbuster movie Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice is still along way off, but the buzz is on as fans eagerly await the opening day.

Here's a crazy and hilarious music video made by the kings of movie parody HISHE. Not only did they do a bang up job making fun of Bats and Supes, but they also expertly parodied Taylor Swift's popular hit song "Bad Blood".

Take a look at the awesome video below:

Can the fish jokes! Aquaman is gonna be badass

Well, that's according to Jason Momoa, who will be suiting up as the famous sea king Aquaman in the upcoming Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice movie.

Jason Momoa is Aquaman
Momoa was asked a few questions during his appearance at the recent Fan Expo Canada, and the Aquaman star said that it's funny people make fun of the character. But then he said "Just wait. Let's wait a little bit, and then you can make jokes"...

He looks badass here, I think.
I think that's a hint that the Aquaman in the movie will be not as campy or cartoony as some people are expecting. He may even be cast in a darker light, more similar to how Batman and even Superman (Man of Steel) are portrayed nowadays.

Other than the Batman v Superman movie, Momoa will also be appearing in the Justice League movies and also an Aquaman movie. So things are definitely looking up for the fishy one!

See Momoa fielding questions about Aquaman below.

Star Wars the Force Awakens: Who is Kylo Ren?

The time is almost here. The FORCE is almost upon us. Three more months and we will get to see our favorite Star Wars characters (plus many new ones) show off on the big screen again!

As we approach the release date of the seventh installment of the fan favorite sci-fi franchise, more and more details about the movie and its characters are trickling in.

One of the new characters that have piqued fans' curiousity is Kylo Ren (played by Adam Driver). He's the badass looking dude who swings around his equally badass looking lightsabre (as seen in the trailer).

Like my saber?

Upon first glance, the red colored lightsaber makes us think of Darth Vader. Meaning Kylo Ren is possibly a Sith? However, the Star Wars director JJ Abrams has confirmed that  Kylo Ren is not a Sith. He is only an employee of Supreme Leader Snoke. Snoke (played by Gollum star Andy Serkis) is a powerful person in the Dark Side of the Force. Kylo Ren, added Abrams, is a member of the Knights of Ren. He also wears a mask that pays tribute to Darth Vader's mask. So from that we can gather that maybe Kylo Ren is some sort of Vader wannabe, or at least he is a big fan.

Kylo Ren and his stormtroopers.

 We’ll find out more when Star Wars: The Force Awakens hyper-jumps into cinemas in December this year.

Newsflash for Marvel's Civil War movie

Day by day we are getting closer to Captain America : Civil War, where Chris Evan's Cap will be taking on Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man.

Captain america vs iron man
Cap vs Iron Man. Which team are you?

Some of the latest more interesting bits is this one! Who's on Cap's side and who's on Iron Man's side.

I think Ant Man will be around as well, and he should be on Cap's team.

There's also Spider-Man, and I'm guessing he'll be on Tony Stark's side.

Other interesting bits is the new costume that Hawkeye will be suiting up in. Check it out:

Looks cool! He just needs some sort of visor to protect his eyes or enhance his vision, imo.

Whose side are YOU on?

Can't with for the movie to come out next year!

Record breaking zombies! Fear the Walking Dead makes debut

The most eagerly awaited spin-off to the Walking Dead series made it's debut on Sunday night. More than 10 million people were glued to the small screens, watching walking dead zombies in action! This is considered the No. 1 series premiere in the history of cable...

More stats - There were 6.3 million viewers in the 18-49 demographic (which is highly covetted by tv execs). So now AMC has the honor of having three of its shows in the all time top five cable premieres list.

Dont fear me, I'm just dead walking...
Kudos to Robert Kirkman, Dave Erickson, the producers, cast and crew of Fear the Walking Dead! The president of AMC, Charlie Collier said none of this would be possible if not for their fanatical and passionate fans.

When something's dead and it don't
look good,who you gonna call?...
Did you guys enjoy the premiere? Share your views below!

Daredevil season 2: New suit for DD! Plus Elektra and Punisher to make debut

We have just been teased with the new suit upgrade suit for Daredevil. Yup, looks like Matt Murdock  (Charlie Cox) will suit up with new togs for the second season of Netflix's Daredevil.

The pic was taken from Daredevil's Twitter account. It shows the newly upgraded red superhero suit that the blind lawyer cum superhero will be wearing.

At the end of last season's awesome episode, Murdock finally put on his official red costume (as opposed to the black outfit he wore early on), as he felt the need for better armor to ward off the baddies' ferocious attacks. The season 1 red suit looked okay, but many felt that it made DD look a bit clumsy.

For the upcoming and eagerly awaited season 2,  our red suited vigilante will come face to face with the ruthless vigilante The Punisher (Jon Bernthal). DD will also have to take on the gorgeous but deadly assassin Elektra (Elodie Yung). We are very likely going to see more of the Hand in action too. The deadly band of ninjas who are experts in dealing death. So it's a good thing DD will be getting a tougher suit to protect him.

Chief creative officer for Marvel Joe Quesada said that Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox were both world class cast, and seeing them perform together is going to be epic.

As for Elodie Yung, Quesada said not only does she look like the character, she also walks like her and has the martial arts skills to match, and it will be awesome to see her in the role of Elektra.

Fans can expect a great Season 2 for sure!